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Celebrate National Embroidery Month with a T-shirt Blanket

February 20, 2024 4 min read

Is graduation coming up? Preserve the memories of your teen’s high school years by creating a t-shirt graduation quilt. 


Graduation: a time to celebrate all your child’s achievements throughout high school. It’s an intensely emotional time – your little one has grown up and is moving into the next chapter of their lives. As a parent, you are likely to feel excitement and fear equally! 

It’s normal to feel a little sad when your teenager graduates from high school. After all, it shows that they are no longer a child. Now, they are ready to enter the real world, whether that means getting a job or heading off to university. As excited as your child might be, you might feel a little lost. You might even wonder where all the years have gone. When faced with these feelings, it helps to preserve your kid’s memories, and that’s where a t-shirt graduation quilt comes in handy. 

What is a T-shirt Graduation Quilt?

A graduation t-shirt quilt is a quilt built out of the fronts of your favorite t-shirts. It uses layers of fabric to make up the quilt, and the t-shirts form the top design. The result is an endlessly comfortable, sentimental item that you can use to stay warm or as your duvet. 

Can You Make Your Own Memory Quilt?

Yes, it is possible to make your own memory quilt out of your teen’s high school t-shirts. However, the result of the finished quilt might not be what you envisioned, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with sewing. If you want a clean, finished look, you’re better off going with a professional company. By doing that, you can always get additional memory items, such as a t- shirt blanket

The Benefits of a Graduation T-Shirt Quilt 

Is making a graduation t-shirt quilt (or purchasing one) worth the time, effort, and money? The answer is undoubtedly yes. Here is why you should invest in a graduation t-shirt quilt. 

They Are Warm and Comfortable 

The best kind of sentimental items are those that serve a purpose, and a high school t-shirt quilt is perfect for that, as they can be used to stay warm and comfortable during the warm months. Whenever you feel cold, you can wrap up in the t-shirt quilt. You could even place it in your teen’s old room so that they have a quilt full of memories when they visit home! 

They Breathe Life into Old Items

While your teen’s old high school t-shirts hold a lot of sentimentality, they will likely collect dust if they’re not used for something else. After all, your teen has no use for them now! With a t-shirt quilt, you can breathe new life into these old t-shirts, giving them a chance at a new purpose. 

They Reduce Waste

While donating old clothes to Goodwill is a good idea if you have no use for them, it’s always better to upcycle them to reduce waste. With a t-shirt quilt, that’s exactly what you can do. Instead of throwing out your kid’s old t-shirts, you get to turn them into something new and beautiful, so, not only do you get a brand-new item to enjoy and feel good knowing that you haven’t contributed to excessive waste. The planet will thank you!

You Can Get Creative 

When creating a t-shirt quilt, you can get as creative as you want with the design. You might like to include a mixture of different sizes and shapes to create a more unique and asymmetrical design. Or, you may choose a particular order so that the t-shirt quilt tells a story of your teen’s high school years. 

They Make a Great Gift

If you’re struggling to come up with the perfect gift for your graduating teen, a t-shirt quilt made of all their old tees is a great idea! It’s an especially useful gift if they’re about to go to university, as they will need a new quilt for their dorm room. Having one made of their old high school t-shirts will make them feel like there’s a piece of home with them, even if they’re thousands of miles away. 

What Types of T-shirts Should You Use?

For a graduation t-shirt quilt, it’s best to use any t-shirts that relate to your teen’s high school experience. One good example is sports t-shirts. If your kid was a player on one of the sports teams – whether that was basketball or football – then you can use all of their old sports t-shirts to create an iconic and unique quilt! They might not fit into those t-shirts anymore, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be useful.

What Other Types of T-shirt Quilts Can You Get?

Of course, graduation isn’t the only time you can make the most of a t-shirt quilt. If you have a baby that’s growing up fast and a closet full of old baby clothes, you can preserve memories of their earliest years with baby clothes quilts. A baby clothes memory quilt gives you the chance to keep all your little one’s clothes while also making use of them. You will love snuggling under such a beautiful, memory-filled quilt! 

There are other types of t-shirt items you can get, too. For example, you can turn your old clothes into t-shirt pillows and blankets, if that’s your preference. With so many options, there’s no reason to let your or your little one’s old clothes lay forgotten at the back of the wardrobe. Instead, let them live a brand-new life. 

Stay Comfy While Preserving Memories

The years pass by too quickly. Before you know it, your once young teen is graduating high school and preparing to head off to college. Don’t let the past years fade into distant memory. Instead, hold onto those memories by preserving them in a t-shirt quilt. By taking your kid’s favorite high school t-shirts and turning them into a quilt, you will have a sentimental item that reminds you of the good old days. Plus, the quilt itself will help you stay cozy and warm!

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