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Scouting T-shirts and Clothing Blankets

February 20, 2024 4 min read

Have a kid who was in the scouts? Don’t let those memories fade – create a scouting t-shirt blanket to remember those days forever. 


The scouts are an educational, outdoorsy club where many boys (and now girls) learn to be kind, thoughtful, well-developed human beings. It’s a place where your kid can learn things like building a fire and tying a human knot – lessons they may not have learned otherwise. While doing all those activities, they are also making memories that they will look back on for years to come. Wouldn’t it be nice if they had a memento to remind them of those times? 

Your kid’s time in scouts are years you’ll want to preserve. Luckily, there are items your child will accrue over the years to help you remember their scouting days: scout clothes and t-shirts. The question is, what do you do with them? Having a closet full of old kid’s clothes isn’t exactly the best way to look back on those days. That’s where t-shirt blankets come in. 

What Are T-shirt and Clothing Blankets?

T-shirt blankets and clothing blankets are blankets made from stitched-together t-shirts. It also usually includes a fleece backing, which gives the blanket its structure and adds comfort. A t-shirt blanket is a way of keeping sentimental clothing without ending up with too many old items of clothing gathering dust in the back of your wardrobe. 

Why Blankets?

Blankets are a great item to preserve memories; they can hold a ton of memories and are also functional! A blanket is a perfect way to stay warm and cozy during a cold winter’s night, and being able to snuggle under a blanket made of your child’s old scouting t-shirts makes the experience even more enjoyable. 

A t-shirt blanket also makes sense as they are able to hold multiple t-shirts in one item. In fact – the more, the better! If you have fifteen old t-shirts at the back of your kid’s closet, you can pull them out and turn them into something special without having to throw away even one of them.

How to Get a Scouting T-shirt Blanket

Is your Boy Scout ready to move on to bigger and greater things? While your kid might be ready for the next chapter of their life, you might not be ready to let all the memories fade away. Instead, let those years live on in the form of a t- shirt blanket. Here’s how to get one made! 

Step One: Pick Out the T-shirts 

First, you’ll need to go through your kid’s wardrobe to find all their old scouting t-shirts. Hand-pick the ones you love the most so that you can turn them into the perfect blanket. Of course, be sure to let your little one know what you’re doing with their old clothes! 

Step Two: Purchase a Blanket Online

When creating a t-shirt blanket with us, you can begin the process on our website. At this point, you’ll need to select the blanket size, which will depend on the number of scouting t-shirts you have. The more t-shirts you want to turn into a blanket, the bigger the size will be. 

Step Three: Prepare the T-shirts 

Next, you’ll need to prepare the T-shirts. This simple process involves cutting up the t-shirts to make the process of turning them into a blanket easier. This step also ensures that the part of the t-shirt you want visible on the blanket will be used! 

Step Four: Send the T-shirts 

Once your t-shirts are prepared, you can ship them to us using a carrier of your choice or select the hassle free option and we’ll send you a poly mailer with a shipping label. That’s it! From there, the process is out of your hands; you just need to wait for the finished product. We’ll do our part to create the perfect t-shirt blanket that will both look great and feel extremely comfortable. 

Step Five: Enjoy Your Scouting T-shirt Blanket! 

Once we’ve done the magic, we will ship the t-shirt blanket to you at no charge. That’s it! You now have a blanket with your child’s very best scouting memories preserved for a lifetime. You might keep it for yourself, or you may give it to your now-grown child as they head off to college. One thing’s for sure – it will be an item you truly cherish. 

Can You Make It Yourself?

Yes – it is also possible to make the t-shirt blanket yourself! Of course, the result won’t be as pristine as if you go to a specialized t-shirt blanket creator, but you might enjoy the process. You’ll need a couple of extra items (other than your t-shirts) if you’re going to make a t-shirt blanket yourself, including a sewing machine and the binding/backing of the blanket. 

Can You Turn T-shirts into Anything Else?

Yes! There are tons of options when it comes to turning your kid’s favorite t-shirts into something brand-new. As well as blankets, you can also create t-shirt pillows, allowing the t-shirts to live a whole new life. These options may make more sense if you already have enough blankets in your home. 

Other Kinds T-shirt and Clothing Blankets

Of course, you can also turn other kinds of t-shirts into a blanket if you want to – if your child wasn’t in the scouts, a blanket made of their normal t-shirts also works! Here are some great types of t-shirt blankets that you might consider: 

  • Graduation
  • Band Tees 
  • Marathon T-shirts 
  • Baby Clothes

Don’t forget, you can also choose pillows (rather than a blanket) to preserve memories. If your kid needs a new duvet, a t-shirt quilt works perfectly! 

Allow Memories to Last a Lifetime with a Scouting T-shirt Blanket

Scouting is all about instilling good characteristics while making memories that last a lifetime. Don’t let your child forget those lessons too quickly. Instead, create something meaningful and cozy with a t-shirt blanket! It’s the perfect item to accompany you when you’re reminiscing about your kid’s younger days, and your child is sure to enjoy it as a gift when they are older. 

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